

Minimum budget of $2,500 required. 

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Digital Communications Plan 

Your digital marketing is only as good as your strategy. This comprehensive plan includes an internal audit of resources, target audience research, social media tone/messaging and actionable next steps. 

Web Redesign/ Project Management

Do you have a big marketing launch or website redesign coming up? We'll help make sure your project is completed on time and that nothing falls through the cracks. We partner with District Digital for all website development and management projects.

Paid Social Media Management

Let us expand your reach on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn with advertising. Whether you need keyword research, A/B testing or a new strategy -- we've got you covered. 



Measurement & Optimization 

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. We analyze your social performance and provide next step recommendations. 

Google Analytics Dashboard 

Understand what's working and what's not with a personalized Google Analytics dashboard and new digital marketing tracking system. 

Social Media Management

Struggling to connect with your audience? Let us take the wheel and create dynamic social copy for you. We can also identify what content resonates with your audience and which stakeholders to connect with.